Friday, 19 April 2013

Amazing Fantasy #15 - There are spoilers!

I read Amazing Fantasy #15 last night for the first time in a long while.

Instead of just ploughing through, I thought I would take my time and properly enjoy the art of Steve Ditko.

Jack Kirby's cover is one of the most repeated covers in comics history, and yet it still stands out as one of the very best Spider-Man images.

Everyone knows the story -

Peter Parker, high school bookworm, gets bitten by a spider and gets powers, but after trying to find fame he lets a thief escape and the thief kills Uncle Ben, and Peter vows to use his powers for good! (I did give you a spoiler alert, and if you don't know this why are you reading my blog anyway, you have catching up to do.)

There were a few things I had forgotten though. It was at a science fair, not a school trip, this has been changed in most of the newer retellings. The transformation is almost immediate. The incident with Uncle Ben occurs after several days of national wrestling fame, he only entered a beat Crusher Hogan competition for 100 dollars!

There is a lot of story in just one issue, but it doesn't feel rushed. It hits marks in the life of Peter, without ignoring important details.

The artwork is just outstanding. Such detail is part and parcel now, but back then everything was simpler design. Yet all the webs are drawn into each frame with Spider-Man's suit in, including web gliding wings under the arms.

Spider-Man has never been a character which I loved. Yeah I enjoy a lot of the stories, but there is never any rush to read them, other things were at the top of the pile when the regular comics came through. Re-reading this has made me think about going and reading a lot more Spidey, especially the earlier Lee/Ditko stuff. The introduction of so many hall of fame villains to look forward to. I think this should be fun.

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