Thursday, 31 July 2014

"Event" Culture


Let me get this out there to start off with, I love comics!

I love the stories, and I really love the art!

The problem for me is the rut they seem to be stuck in now of event, after event, after event.  They happen so often they are no longer an event.  There is nothing special about these "event" stories "that will change the Marvel/DC universes forever" anymore.  Because the next one is on top of us before the last one has ended.

Already Marvel are previewing images from the "event" after next, when the current one hasn't even finished.  They are still in the middle of Original Sin, which will be followed by Axis, and then Superior Now.  I'll be honest, I'm not sure where DC is at the moment as I lost interest when they rebooted the universe completely for New 52.  However they have been the same for a few years now, but I believe New 52 gave it a settling year before they restarted the event cycle with Justice League: War.

At the moment, the universes are so intertwined, that to get benefit out of the event, you need to buy about 30 issues.  It's just crazy.

What both parties need to do, in my opinion, is strip it right back.  Stop all events for at least a year, possibly two.  Allow characters to follow their own story lines, let them achieve some development, deal with some personal battles.  Then do a couple more group crossovers, like an Avengers "big" story, across their titles, an X-Men crossover, a Spider-Man crossover, etc.  This keeps people invested in their favourite characters, without bogging them down in a 2/3/4 year old build up story.  Then bringing them together for an actual "event" every 3/4 years.

The "events" don't change anything anymore, everything is on around a 2/3 year cycle.  The changes to the big Marvel three of Cap, Thor and Iron Man won't last more than a couple of years.  But, you know what, that doesn't matter, as long as the stories are good, that's what is important.  I tend to stick with the Marvel Universe, because they seem to care about their characters more.  They don't completely reset continuity every few years, the history is important.  DC don't do that.  It doesn't stop me enjoying New 52 Batman (Snyder's run has been great.) but I don't feel as invested in the stories as much.  Because I know that they will be erased from history in a few years with another Crisis of Infinite Reboots.

I know it's the stories that matter, but I think it would be better to make "events" actual events again, because now they are just over complicated stories and I think they are starting to wear a bit thin.

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